A couple of years ago, the owner of Classic Shaving asked me to test a new razor design they had developed, taking advantage of the Feather long injector blades normally used in disposable blade straight-razors.

Classic Shaving is a terrific company; pioneers in the rebirth of traditional shaving. They carry a huge assortment of products including artisanal razors. So, I was honored to be asked to try this new design and used the razor for a few weeks.

Unfortunately, I found it very difficult to master and extremely dangerous; it was, at least for me (YMMV), way too sharp and too wide, making shaving in tight spots a death-defying feat.

The razor was subsequently launched to the market under the Cobra brand. I have no idea if they made any adjustments to the original design to deal with the difficulties that I had. Today, the Cobra was featured in Classic Shaving’s first email newsletter, so I thought I’d attach their promotional video as well as links to my earlier reviews.